Work Experience and Careers Advice
Careers advice is provided by our Work Experience and Careers Coordinator, as well as teachers who assist with queries about the 8 Learning Areas and the different school and career pathways available to choose from. In this way, students, with their families, are able to examine and discuss career opportunities to ensure informed and appropriate decisions are made when choosing subjects for future study or career paths.

An Integrated Learning Opportunity for Years 9 and 10
Work Experience for Year 9 and 10 students who don’t attend Country Week at the end of Term 3 is an excellent opportunity to experience the ‘World of Work’. In this way students can explore, learn and gain confidence to make informed decisions towards their preferred futures. - Work Intergrated Learning
Why Work Experience Matters
Work experience can open up your mind to the great opportunities for finding careers that may suit you (and even those that may not). Handled well, you can learn a lot about the workplace you visit, the types of education and training required to get there and what sort of “fit” this career might have in your own life.
Juliet Honey's article tells you how to get the most out of Work Experience. Click on the link below.
What’s Next?
Explore Work Integrated Learning (WIL) further by reading Georgina Atkinson’s article. It outlines common types of WIL and the benefits of engaging in WIL or Work Experience. - What is Work Integrated Learning
How can you benefit from doing Work Experience or Work Integrated Learning?
- Career benefits such as insight into an occupation you are considering and its professional culture, career planning, clearer career progression and a chance to develop industry networks.
- Employment benefits including establishing potential future employment opportunities and increased graduate salary.
- Work skills benefits such as general employability skills like communication and teamwork, as well as specific skills relating to the occupation you are studying.
- Personal benefits like greater self-confidence through having more experience in the workplace.
- Academic benefits such as increasing your motivation to do well in your studies by seeing the relationship between your study and work outcomes.