Student Leadership

The Student Forum represents the needs of the student community. One of their functions is to maintain or improve the "quality of life" of Bridgetown High School students.
Student Forum members are elected by their peers and are taught skills in management, leadership, organisation and working with groups.
The Student Forum is responsible for:
- organising and running school assemblies;
- helping to plan free dress days, fundraising & social events;
- representing the student body on the School Council and at other designated school events;
- representing the student body at community events; and
- liaising between students, administration and staff.
Bridgetown High School House System
Bridgetown High School's House System is far reaching, involving all students and staff and stretching over all Learning Areas.
The school has 3 Houses: Fire, Sun and Ice.

Each House has two captains voted in by their fellow students as well as a House captain and Vice Captain on staff. The House competition stretches over a full year with the students being able to win points for their houses in a number of different ways:
- By entering the House Swimming (Term 1) and Athletics (Term 4) Carnivals. Students earn 1 point for every race they enter and then 1st and 2nd placed students get more points. There are also points available for novelty events run during these carnivals: